La Ruleta de Lipsticks – SORTEO
Self challenge time Digo esto demasiado, pero la verdad es que me encanta probar cosas nuevas y retarme a mi
Self challenge time Digo esto demasiado, pero la verdad es que me encanta probar cosas nuevas y retarme a mi
[ezcol_1fifth]–[/ezcol_1fifth] [ezcol_3fifth]It’s been almost four years since I started taking makeup seriously. At first makeup helped me go through a
Master the on-the-go Has ever happened to you that you are running late to a place and don’t have time to put
Makeup trend: Glowing skin It’s been a few months now that the bare, dewy, glowing skin is the way to go in any
Como algunos ya saben hace poco abrí mi canal de youtube, pero aún así seguiré compartiendo los makeup looks que
I wanted to try something different this year, so instead of showing you guys my outfit for New Year’s Eve
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