Adicción a la tendencia metálicos #BloggersChile
Rocking the metallics trend I’m sure you’ve listen to this a lot of
Rocking the metallics trend I’m sure you’ve listen to this a lot of
Ready for the sunny days There’s no doubt spring is here; a lot
Favorite mainstream piece I’ve always been the kind of person who didn’t feel
Even though I’m a winter junky, I’m getting every hint of sun as
Let’s make this pastel outfit work Since Pantone decided to choose, not one,
Although I’m used to high temperatures, by living in Santiago I got the
Vacations are over, I finally got my work visa and I’m ready to
As years have gone by, I’ve tried to build a better and simpler
Two things that I really like but never do is wearing dresses and
Surely most of the time you look for inspiration, you rely on people of
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