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Bandanas & red lips

Bandanas & red lips

I don’t know about you, but some days I wakeup and feel like everything is wrong with you -superficially speaking- other days you just feel normal and good. Then there are other days when you feel amazing, everything seems to fit, the outfit, the makeup, the hair… you just look and feel extra gorgeous that day. This day was one…

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Last round for bare legs

Last round for bare legs

This was my last chance wearing nothing on my legs in Santiago, and I can’t believe I’m about to experiment a real winter, with snow and everything. But I’m also excited, I’ve been doing some winter shopping and I just love it; big coats with scarfs and layers over layers. Definitely very different from what I’m used to. [ezcol_1third] PacSun Tribal…

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‘Old is cool’ lo nuevo de Distrito Vintage

‘Old is cool’ lo nuevo de Distrito Vintage

El viernes pasado me invitaron al lanzamiento de la nueva colección de Distrito Vintage, una tienda de ropa –vintage- unisex ubicada en el centro de Santiago que vende prendas recicladas e intervenidas por su diseñadora ‘La Javi’. Conocía a Distrito Vintage en Octubre del año pasado, hicimos una sesión juntos para el lookbook S/S 2014 y en esta ocasión me tocó…

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Skincare routine: Sándalo

Skincare routine: Sándalo

And just when I was moving to another country I found a local Tijuana brand that makes 100% natural skincare products; which are affordable and have been working amazingly well this past month. I’ve been loving my new skin, it glows and feels super fresh!  I’m quite mad because I was getting into the brand and now I’m really far away from…

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