Nutritional Challenge #NUTRES: Let’s have a healthy life

*Si quieres conocer esta información en español visita el fan page de Nutres*

While I was enjoying all the delicious dishes my mom and aunts made for Christmas and New Year’s, I was also trying to figure out how I could make some balance in my life after all the food I ate. I didn’t want to just google some diet or make a purposes list and then forget about it, so that is when I saw a nutritional challenge on instagram. One of my youtuber friends – who happens to be a nutritionist – makes videos with recipes and tips to help us have a better lifestyle, and this year she will host a nutritional and emotional challenge to start it with the right foot.

First, let me introduce you to her, I don’t want you to think that this is my idea or just someone’s who doesn’t know a thing about nutrition. Monserrat González is 24 years old, she has a degree in Nutrition, graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and right now she’s doing her Master in Nutrition. Also she has a diploma as a Health Coach from the INAT, she has a Nutrition Clinic in Tijuana and she also works online with her patients. You can follow her fan page NUTRES and/or watch her videos here Nutres Youtube (they are all in spanish).

Now about the challenge.

This is going to be a weekly challenge with two principles, one emotional and one nutritional. Montse said “I will help you reach a healthy weight, change habits slowly and improve your health and wellbeing”, so I’m pretty excited and committed to making this change in my life. I really feel this is a great way to reach some of my goals with good and profesional help. So what do you say? Would you join me? I’m going to write and explain the challenges week by week in english, so there’s no excuse to miss it!

Challenge week #1 – 
Drink only water and stop complaining.

Nutritional challenge: Drink water
The purpose of this first challenge is to cut calories, leaving or decreasing to the maximum sugary drinks, as they can often have more than 1,500 calories in one drink.

Not Allowed:
Leave the soda, juices, sugary drinks, coffee and cream, energy drinks, and at least try to decrease alcohol.

– Water
– Tea and infusions
– Water Lemon / Jamaica / cucumber (sweetened with stevia)
– Black Coffee (two cups max)
– Take 1 cup of water every morning before breakfast
– Take 2-3 L of water per day

Emotional challenge: Stop complaining
The challenge is to have a positive attitude towards life and willingness to accept situations, and even accept yourself. The challenge is to not only see negative things, and erase complaining from your habits.

As I do this this challenge I’m going to keep a diary about it-.Right now, of course, I don’t have any ‘stories’ for you, but I can say it’s going to be more difficult to stop complaining than drinking only water all day long. Anyway, I can give you a few tips on the nutritional challenge. I like water so it’s not hard for me to drink it, but sometimes I just forget about it. So what I did a few months ago was buying a glass jar and a glass bottle to keep fresh water on my night stand and desk, so that way I would see it and remember to drink it while I’m working or watching Netflix.


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2 Responses

  1. ¡Hola Luisa!

    Espero que hayas tenido un excelente inicio de año. Yo este año le quiero hacer cambios a mi vida, dejar la rutina y simplemente vivir como se debe.

    Una de las cosas que quiero cambiar es mejorar mi salud y dejar de ignorar mi cuerpo. Este reto me ha venido como anillo al dedo muchas gracias por compartirlo. iniciare con la semana, (vi en su Facebook que ya publicó la dos), porque me encantaría hacerlo completo. Tomar agua por una semana va a ser muy difícil. ¡Nunca tomo agua! A ver que tal me va.

    ¡Un abrazo!

    1. Yo comencé esta también, así que vamos “un reto atrasadas” y apenas van dos días y ha sido difícil, sobre todo cuando como a fuera.
      Pero lo bueno es que vamos haciendo algo por mejorar. ¡Suerte!

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