A cup of hot cocoa & gales print
In love with the cocoa – Los días fríos y acogedores están a punto de terminar y siempre hago todo
In love with the cocoa – Los días fríos y acogedores están a punto de terminar y siempre hago todo
The tiniest bit of color – A veces me enojo un poco con lo oscura y simple que puede ser
Striped bonanza Siento que necesito hacer una actualización de vida, así puedo contarles que está pasando pero por ahora puedo
Pink for the new air After a strange relationship with pink I’m here, breaking my own silly rules and making
Keeping it comfy When people asks me about my style I always tell them I’m not sure how to define
Pattern plaid madness Public transportation being on time, finding all you need in the grocery store, perfect hair for a
Bells & stripes Living and working in a big city like Santiago has made me work harder when talking about
Me, keeping it minimal? Self freedom in fashion for me is being able to experiment, to change your mind or
Pink is the new free It has been a few months since pink established itself as the color of the
Leaf print dress Saying goodbye to the summery days (or afternoons) with a tropical print that has become one of
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