Mi experiencia con el botóx, hint: lo amo.
El botox a los 25 Tiene alrededor de 10 años que pensaba seriamente en ponerme botox. Por herencia genética, tengo
El botox a los 25 Tiene alrededor de 10 años que pensaba seriamente en ponerme botox. Por herencia genética, tengo
Ha pasado exactamente un año desde que un héroe sin capa decidió photoshopear una foto mía sin autorización y mandar
Makeup Brushes 101 I gotta say that my makeup experience changed tremendously once I got my first professional makeup brush
I’ve gone from being a teenager with oily skin and acne, to a university student with skin drier than the
Follow me on instagram for more DIYs, Fashion & lifestyle Lately I’ve been getting a lot of blackheads on my nose and
Hace unos días me llegó de regalo este kit para depilación de piernas de Gillette Venus y la verdad es
It’s been a while since I wanted to try Lush’s bath bombs, but honestly I was kinda bored and decided
Follow me on instagram for more DIYs, Fashion & lifestyle Since almost 3 years ago I’ve been lightly scrubbing my face constantly,
And just when I was moving to another country I found a local Tijuana brand that makes 100% natural skincare products;
4 months ago I went shopping to ULTA and I was looking for a daily face scrub because my Asepxia one
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