Sporty side stripes
The trendy track pants Delante de mí hay un nuevo paquete con ropa muy a la moda. Me siento abrumada.
The trendy track pants Delante de mí hay un nuevo paquete con ropa muy a la moda. Me siento abrumada.
The shade of passion Entrar y salir como una reina, como la jefa, con todo el poder. El color rojo
Everything comes back El otoño ha comenzado oficialmente en Santiago y estoy muy emocionada de probar cosas nuevas para esta
Love them more than jeans I’ve always had this idea of how I would like to look once I started
Find it and never let it go Recently I’ve heard people say “don’t fix it if it’s not broken” and
As cheese as it can be For me, (and according to my years in university) red is one of the
Flow with the wind Casually running around with bell slevees tucked into my favorite kimono. What’s life without a little
Play plaid check trend I’m trying to have some kind of good balance in my life, sleeping the right
Pink & Red What a better way to take on the world than a red pair of faux leather trousers?
Cozy layers for work I don’t understand what has happened with time, in a blink half of 2017 was gone
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