Author page: Luisa Verdee


Shalom 2016

Shalom 2016

El año de la estabilidad, pérdidas y pocas emociones fuertes. Conforme va avanzando mi actual plan de vida, el 2016 se trató de establecer mi vida, formar nuestra familia, nuestro hogar y seguir trabajando para lograrlo. No hubieron tantos altibajos como en los años pasados, fue un año tranquilo, de pequeños grandes logros. Perdí amigos en el camino, amigos que…

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Fiestas de fin de año: Jumpsuit 70s style #BloggersChile

Fiestas de fin de año: Jumpsuit 70s style #BloggersChile

Dare to jumpsuit The end of the year is coming and with it, the parties, vacations and a lot of food! December has just begun and I’ve already been trying to get everything ready for the season, especially because I’m traveling to México for the holidays. So far, I’ve chosen this burgundy and black jumpsuit 70s style which I find stylish…

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Glowing skin all year round

Glowing skin all year round

Makeup trend: Glowing skin It’s been a few months now that the bare, dewy, glowing skin is the way to go in any makeup look. It’s all about enhancing natural beauty with light and looking young and radiant, flaws are finally kind of welcome and it doesn’t matter the season or time of the day, highlighter is always needed. It took me a…

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